Invisalign orthodontics concept - Young attractive woman holding - using invisible braces or trainer.

in La Habra, CA

in La Habra, CA

Looking for a discreet alternative to traditional braces in La Habra, CA? Explore the benefits of Invisalign at Smooth Dental, where Dr. Tran and our team provide personalized orthodontic care tailored to your needs.

Invisalign Options at Smooth Dental

Discover the versatility of Invisalign® clear aligners at Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA. Get answers to common questions and learn more about this innovative orthodontic solution.

Advantages of Invisalign®

Advantages of Invisalign

Discreet Treatment

Invisalign® aligners are virtually invisible, providing a discreet orthodontic solution that doesn’t draw attention to your teeth during treatment.

Comfortable Fit

Custom-made to fit your teeth, Invisalign® aligners offer a comfortable and snug fit, minimizing irritation often associated with traditional braces.

Removable Convenience

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® aligners are removable, allowing you to eat, drink, brush, and floss with ease, maintaining optimal oral hygiene throughout treatment.

No Dietary Restrictions

With Invisalign®, there are no dietary restrictions since aligners are removed before eating, allowing you to enjoy all your favorite foods without worrying about damaging your orthodontic appliances.

Fewer Orthodontic Visits

Invisalign® treatment typically requires fewer orthodontic visits compared to traditional braces, reducing the time spent in the dental chair and allowing for a more convenient treatment process.

Versatile Solution

Invisalign® can address a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites, providing a versatile solution for various dental concerns.


What are Invisalign® Aligners?

What are
Invisalign® Aligners?

Dr. Tran offers Invisalign®, clear aligners made from Smart Track material, custom-fit to your teeth for optimal comfort and effectiveness. While they should be worn for most of the day, they can be removed as needed for eating and oral hygiene


What Issues Can Invisalign® Correct?

Invisalign isn’t just for straightening teeth; it can also address bite issues and various orthodontic concerns. While not suitable for all cases, Dr. Tran can determine if Invisalign® is right for you during a consultation at Smooth Dental.


Advantages of Invisalign® Treatment

Invisalign® offers discretion and comfort, with nearly invisible aligners that eliminate the discomfort often associated with traditional braces. Enjoy a smooth, irritation-free orthodontic experience without worrying about metal brackets or wires.

Did you know?

Fun Fact About Invisalign®

Invisalign® aligners have been used to treat over 10 million patients worldwide, making them one of the most popular and trusted orthodontic treatment options globally.

Local Dentist, cosmetic dentistry

Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Tran Today!

Experience unparalleled dental care with Smooth Dental. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every smile receives the attention it deserves. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tran, where expertise meets compassion. From routine check-ups to advanced procedures, our personalized approach guarantees your comfort and satisfaction. Trust Smooth Dental for a brighter, healthier smile.

Contact Us For More Information

Contact Us For
More Information

At Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, guided by Dr. Tran's expertise, our team conducts comprehensive Invisalign® to assess the suitability of Invisalign® for your oral health needs. Take the first step toward a confident smile by scheduling your consultation with us today at (562) 694-4800.

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