Fastbraces® near me La Habra

in La Habra, CA

in La Habra, CA

Fastbraces® have revolutionized orthodontic treatment by offering a faster and more efficient solution for straightening teeth. These innovative braces utilize a unique triangular bracket and cutting-edge technology to expedite tooth movement, reducing treatment time compared to traditional braces. Fastbraces® prioritize both aesthetics and functionality, providing patients with a discreet and comfortable orthodontic experience. With their minimally invasive approach, Fastbraces® deliver long-lasting results, giving patients the smile they desire in less time than traditional orthodontic methods.

FASTBRACES®, A Powerful New Approach
To Orthodontic Treatment

Crooked teeth have always been difficult to clean, and the aggressive bacteria associated with them are a constant threat to the overall health of an individual. Potential systemic conditions from these bacteria in the mouth include, but are not limited to, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and respiratory tract infection. Fastbraces® Technology now makes it possible for hygienists and dentists to treat the stubborn form of gingivitis prevalent around crooked teeth after quickly straightening them, even in sixty to ninety days. Dental hygiene used to be just cleaning teeth, but now dentists can evaluate their patients for orthodontic treatment at the hygiene visit and straighten their teeth in their own dental office with Fastbraces® Technologies fast and easily

A few reasons for Fastbraces®

A few reasons for Fastbraces®

Quick Results

Fastbraces® offer faster teeth straightening compared to traditional braces.

Efficient Technology

Innovative triangular brackets expedite tooth movement.

Discreet Treatment

Fastbraces® provide a subtle orthodontic solution.

Minimal Discomfort

Patients experience less discomfort during treatment than with traditional braces.

Long-Term Benefits

Fastbraces® deliver lasting results with less time commitment.

Comprehensive Consultations

Our team provides thorough assessments and personalized treatment plans.


Your Overall Health

Can Improve
Your Overall Health

Orthodontics is undergoing one of the most exciting reforms in diagnosis and treatment. In today’s fast-paced society, a powerful new approach to orthodontic treatment has emerged. Fastbraces® revolutionary technology achieves faster alignment of teeth resulting in faster treatment times compared to the average published treatment durations of other orthodontic braces systems. Some patients can now even finish treatment even in just 60-90 days! That’s because this is the first and only patented technology that grows the alveolar bone that holds teeth in place by uprighting the roots of the crooked teeth toward their straight position from the onset of treatment.



This technology of orthodontic braces and methods were tested by universities around the world and are now available in clear, metal or a combination of both and are very comfortable for children and adults. Dentists can now avoid pulling healthy teeth or doing enamel reduction. No more worrying about lost aligners and no need for retainers for the back teeth!

Post-procedure insights

Post-Fastbraces® Care: Maintaining Your New Smile

Following Fastbraces® treatment, patients typically experience minor discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. It’s common to have some adjustment period as your mouth gets used to the new positioning of your teeth. Your dentist may provide guidelines on maintaining oral hygiene and dietary restrictions to ensure optimal results. Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments. It’s crucial to wear retainers as instructed to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions. With proper care and adherence to post-procedure instructions, patients can enjoy a straighter and more confident smile for years to come.

Did you know?

Fun Fact About Fastbraces®

Fastbraces® were developed by Dr. Anthony Viazis over 25 years ago and have since revolutionized orthodontic treatment with their innovative design and accelerated tooth movement technology.

Real Results, Really Fast

Features & Benefits

Why Choose Smooth Dental for Fastbraces®?

Why Choose Smooth Dental for



Dr. Tran at Smooth Dental specializes in Fastbraces®, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes.



Smooth Dental utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for precise and efficient Fastbraces® treatment.



Our team offers tailored treatment plans to suit individual needs and preferences.



Patients enjoy a welcoming and comfortable experience throughout their Fastbraces® journey at Smooth Dental.

Local Dentist, cosmetic dentistry

Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Tran Today!

Experience unparalleled dental care with Smooth Dental. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every smile receives the attention it deserves. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tran, where expertise meets compassion. From routine check-ups to advanced procedures, our personalized approach guarantees your comfort and satisfaction. Trust Smooth Dental for a brighter, healthier smile.

Smooth Dental & Orthodontics

Contact Us For More Information

Contact Us For
More Information

At Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, guided by Dr. Tran's expertise, our team conducts comprehensive Fastbraces® to assess the suitability of dental bonding for your oral health needs. Take the first step toward a confident smile by scheduling your consultation with us today at (562) 694-4800.

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