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Emergency Dental Care La Habra

Emergency Dental Care
in La Habra, CA

Emergency Dental Care
in La Habra, CA

Regular dental hygiene is key to preventing emergencies, but accidents happen. Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, led by Dr. Tran, offers swift and reliable emergency dental care for families, especially for children prone to accidents during play or sports.

Urgent Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies strike unexpectedly, especially for children involved in active play. From sports injuries to cracked teeth from biting ice, our team at Smooth Dental is here to provide immediate relief and repair.

Why Choose Us for Emergency Dental Care?

Why Choose Us for Emergency Dental Care?

Personalized Care

Benefit from our team’s familiarity with your dental history for tailored and efficient treatment.

Prompt Weekday Appointments

Contact us for swift appointments during weekdays, ensuring timely care.

Urgent Visits

Outside regular hours, we prioritize urgent visits to relieve discomfort and provide interim guidance.

Experienced Team

Trust our skilled team at Smooth Dental for expert emergency care.

Comfort & Relief

Experience relief from dental emergencies with our compassionate and effective approach.

Interim Support

We offer guidance and support between visits, ensuring you’re cared for throughout your emergency.


Common Dental Emergencies

Recognizing urgent situations isn’t always easy. Severe pain, knocked-out teeth, or abscesses demand immediate attention to prevent complications. At Smooth Dental, we address various emergencies, including unexplained pain, lost fillings, bleeding gums, and more. Contact us promptly for evaluation and treatment.

About Emergency Dental Visits


Over-the-counter remedies may not suffice for toothaches. Contact Smooth Dental for immediate relief and guidance. If unable to reach us immediately, consider self-care measures like pain medication, saltwater rinses, or cold packs. Always consult with Dr. Tran or our team before attempting home remedies to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Did you know?

Fun Dental Fact

Did you know that the average person spends around 38.5 days brushing their teeth over their lifetime? That’s a lot of time dedicated to dental hygiene!

Local Dentist, cosmetic dentistry

Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Tran Today!

Experience unparalleled dental care with Smooth Dental. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every smile receives the attention it deserves. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tran, where expertise meets compassion. From routine check-ups to advanced procedures, our personalized approach guarantees your comfort and satisfaction. Trust Smooth Dental for a brighter, healthier smile.

Contact Us For More Information

Contact Us For
More Information

At Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, guided by Dr. Tran's expertise, our team is here to help you in any way we can with your oral health needs! Give us a call today (562) 694-4800.

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