Smiling senior woman with new dental implants sitting in the dental office and looking at the mirror

in La Habra, CA

in La Habra, CA

At Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, our custom-made dentures offer efficient solutions for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Crafted and fitted in just a few visits, our dentures restore your smile’s completeness and functionality without the need for multiple appointments. Whether it’s partial dentures to fill gaps or complete dentures for full tooth replacement, our solutions ensure your oral health is restored. With our dentures, you can enjoy improved chewing and speaking abilities, along with reduced risks of complications like shifting teeth or TMJ disorders, enhancing your overall quality of life.

Dentures Benefits

Dentures, especially our custom-made ones at Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, offer a host of benefits. They not only restore the ability to eat and speak properly but also contribute to overall oral health by aiding in digestion and ensuring proper nutrition intake. Additionally, dentures help prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, maintaining the alignment of your smile. Even if a missing tooth isn’t immediately apparent, its absence can significantly impact your daily life. Dentures provide a solution to restore function and enhance your quality of life. Reach out to Smooth Dental today to learn more about the advantages of dentures and to determine if they are the ideal choice for your dental needs.

why might I need Dentures?

why might I need Dentures?

Restored Function

Dentures enable proper eating and speaking abilities, restoring functionality.

Enhanced Oral Health

Dentures aid in digestion, ensuring proper nutrition intake for overall health.

Prevent Teeth Shifting

Dentures help maintain the alignment of neighboring teeth, preventing shifting.

Improved Confidence

Dentures restore your smile, boosting self-assurance and quality of life.

Custom Fit

Our dentures are custom-made to ensure a comfortable and natural feel.

Convenient Solution

Dentures offer a hassle-free way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile’s beauty.


Replacement with Dentures

Replacement with Dentures

Dentures are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile’s functionality. Crafted from high-quality materials, dentures are custom-made to fit comfortably and securely in your mouth, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. Unlike traditional tooth replacement options that may require multiple appointments, dentures can often be fabricated and fitted in just a few visits, saving you time and hassle. With their precise fit and natural appearance, dentures restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, efficiently improving your oral health and quality of life.


Placement for Dentures

Getting fitted for dentures is a convenient process that typically requires just a few visits to our office. During your initial appointment, impressions and measurements of your mouth are taken to ensure a precise fit. These measurements are used to craft your custom dentures, eliminating the need for messy traditional methods. Once your dentures are fabricated, we carefully check them for fit, comfort, and aesthetics. Any necessary adjustments are made before you leave our office with your new dentures, restoring your smile’s function and appearance in a single appointment.


Are Dentures Permanent?

Dentures are not considered permanent solutions for tooth replacement. While they are durable and can last for many years with proper care, they typically require periodic adjustments or replacements due to changes in the jawbone structure, natural wear and tear, or shifting of the remaining teeth. Additionally, as the jawbone continues to change over time, dentures may become loose or uncomfortable, necessitating adjustments or replacements to maintain functionality and comfort. However, advancements in dentistry have led to more stable and long-lasting denture options, such as implant-supported dentures, which offer increased stability and longevity compared to traditional removable dentures.

Did you know?

Fun Fact About Dentures

Did you know that George Washington, the first President of the United States, famously wore dentures? Contrary to popular belief, his dentures were not made of wood; they were crafted from a combination of materials including ivory, human teeth, and metal springs. This historical tidbit sheds light on the evolution of denture technology and the challenges faced by individuals seeking tooth replacement options in the past.

Local Dentist, cosmetic dentistry

Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Tran Today!

Experience unparalleled dental care with Smooth Dental. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every smile receives the attention it deserves. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tran, where expertise meets compassion. From routine check-ups to advanced procedures, our personalized approach guarantees your comfort and satisfaction. Trust Smooth Dental for a brighter, healthier smile.

Smooth Dental & Orthodontics

Contact Us For More Information

Contact Us For
More Information

At Smooth Dental in La Habra, CA, guided by Dr. Tran's expertise, our team conducts comprehensive consultation to assess the suitability of a Dentures for your oral health needs. Take the first step toward a confident smile by scheduling your consultation with us today at (562) 694-4800.

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